Although we expect all DAO members to regularly have the opportunity to invest in projects, staking $BCNX can enhance that opportunity. Staking helps to align the incentives of all community members with that of the DAO. The staking system intends to reward long-term staking in numerous ways. With longer staking periods and consistent staking options awarded greater incentives. For example, a points multiplier, increasing the likelihood of participating in early-stage investment opportunities, is one incentive. Another is access to decision-making DAO guilds or membership in the overseeing Council.
The DAO intends to further reward those aligned with its long-term future. As such, we intend to reward those long-term stakers with further benefits, such as profit shares.
The staking incentive and rewards system will develop extensively over time, and this should be viewed as version 1.
Staking Rewards Structure
The staking rewards are structured to incentivize and reward members based on the duration of their stake. The multipliers are based on 100% of the 1 million tokens being staked.
Members can get the corresponding multiplier by 50% (500k) to 100% (1m) tokens. So staking 500k tokens would earn 50% of the multipliers shown below.
365 day Additional Benefits of Staking
Guaranteed Access: Guaranteed access to the minimum investment round of every project. This does not exclude a member from additional rounds through the normal course of allocation distribution.
No Fees: No fees will be charged to the member. (when fees are introduced)
Council Member: The Council is the highest authority in the DAO. Members that stake 1m tokens for 365 days can put themselves forward to be a member of the Council.
Treasury Income: A portion of treasury profits will be distributed to 365 day stakers.
Last updated